Holy Redeemer Soccer Club registers teams with Portland Youth Soccer Association (PYSA). All families who register with HRSC are required to read and agree to the Concussion Compliance Information set by PYSA.
For specific information including fact sheets, forms (physician clearance), and concussion care instructions, click here.
What is a Concussion?
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that alters the way your brain functions. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination.
Although concussions usually are caused by a blow to the head, they can also occur when the head and upper body are violently shaken. These injuries can cause a loss of consciousness, but most concussions do not. Because of this, some people have concussions and don't realize it.
Concussions are common, particularly if you play a contact sport, such as football. But every concussion injures your brain to some extent. This injury needs time and rest to heal properly. Most concussive traumatic brain injuries are mild, and people usually recover fully.
Information for Athletes
No one should return to play or vigorous activity while signs or symptoms of a concussion are present.
Experts recommend that an athlete with a suspected concussion not return to play until he or she has been medically evaluated by a health care professional trained in evaluating and managing concussions. Children and adolescents should be evaluated by a health care professional trained in evaluating and managing pediatric concussions.
Experts also recommend that adult, child and adolescent athletes with a concussion not return to play on the same day as the injury.
Concussion information on this page was provided by the Mayo Clinic (mayoclinic.org).