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Connecting families and communities through the game of soccer

Connecting families and communities through the game of soccer

Frequently Asked Questions

How is our soccer club protecting everyone during the Covid-19 outbreak?

Please click the link below to view our current Covid-19 policy. This is a living document, however as of now it is up to date.
Covid-19 policy

Callouts from the policy:

  • All coaches, players and spectators are expected to wear masks at our practices and games

  • If your player has covid, or may have covid- please keep them home and isolate them if possible.

  • If you have been exposed to Covid- please keep your player home and check in with your coach. 

  •  Please email the club at: [email protected] and we will confidentially follow up with you for next steps and then let the team know that there has been an exposure in a confidential way for your family.

Do we need to go to Holy Redeemer Church or Holy Redeemer School to play for HRSC?

NO! In fact, we would LOVE to have more kids from the neighborhood play soccer with us. We are a community club that is proud to currently have kids from many other neighborhood schools.

How do I register my child with Holy Redeemer Soccer Club?

Once you are ready to register, you need to log in to your member account with Bonzi to register your child. The member login is located in the upper right corner of our homepage. New to the club? You can create a member account here.

Do you offer financial assistance?

YES!!! Financial Assistance is available on a first come, first served basis until funds are exhausted. YOU MUST SUBMIT A FORM BEFORE THE INITIAL REGISTRATION DEADLINE. No exceptions. Forms may be turned in prior to registration opening once registration dates are announced. For more information, click here.

What equipment do we need to play?

All kids are required to have shin guards and cleats in order to practice or play in games. HRSC provides jerseys that are to be returned at the end of each season. Registration fees include socks, which are issued once a year (so if your child plays for both Fall and Spring Season, they only receive socks in the fall). Socks will be yours to keep at the end of the season.


  • HRSC players are eligible for a 15% discount at The Far Post Soccer Supply. For store locations, visit their website at
  • HRSC also has a cleat exchange program. If you have cleats that are in good used condition, please donate them to our soccer club. We have a bin in our shed designated for "cleat exchange" and have found it very useful to have spare cleats and shin guards for our club.

Can my child be on the same team as a friend?

While we do our best to make these accommodations if we know about them, there are several factors we must consider when assigning players to a team. If you would like us to try and place your child with a buddy, please make a note of that on their registration. We cannot guarantee that we can meet all requests. Thanks for understanding.

Where and when do teams practice?

Holy Redeemer teams practice on our home field located on the corner of N Dekum and N. Williams. Practice times are determined by the availability of our volunteer coaches. U7-U8 teams have an hour long practice once a week. U9-U14 teams practice twice a week. Families are notified of practice times as soon as they are arranged, usually a week or two prior to the start of the season.

When and where are games?

The schedule for games (including location) is determined by Portland Youth Soccer Association. The schedule is typically available the week prior to the season start of the season. Coaches relay this information as soon as they have it available to them.

What if we can't make the practice times for my child's team or they decide not to play soccer?

We would try to make arrangements that would fit your family's schedule if there is another team your child can play with. If not, you would be eligible for a refund. Our refund policy can be read in it's entirety here.

How do I know if practice is cancelled?

Please plan to play rain or shine. That's just how soccer goes. However, coaches or a HRSC Board Member will notify families if their practice is cancelled due to weather or field conditions. If you do not get a message, you still have practice.

I have more questions. Who do I contact?

Questions should be sent to the HRSC board members at [email protected]. As we are all volunteers, we do our best to reply within 2 days.


Holy Redeemer Soccer Club
25 N. Rosa Parks Way - Shed 
Portland, Oregon 97217

Email: [email protected]

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